List of Algonquin Chiefs

Principal Chief or Ogimà is the title of the chief executive of each Algonquin community. Along with Sub-Chiefs, various other Chiefs and Band Councils, they form the leadership of their Anicinàbe community in Quebec and Ontario.


Abitibiwinni First Nation

Algonquins of Barrière Lake

Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation

Anicinape Community of Kitcisakik

Ardoch Algonguin First Nation

Harold Perry, Bob Lovelace, Bob Crawford, Randy Cota, Paula Sherman

Bonnechere Algonquin Community

Eagle Village First Nation

Madeleine Paul

Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation

Kitigàn-zìbì Anishinàbeg

Long Point First Nation

Leonard Polson (2010-Present)

Nation Anishinabe du Lac Simon

Timiskaming First Nation

Wahgoshig First Nation

Wolf Lake First Nation

Harry St. Denis